How to transition your toddler to a bed

How to transition your toddler to a bed

Wondering when you might be able to put your little one in bed? It's different for every child and family, but there are some questions you can ask yourself to figure out when it's time, and some tips on handling the big move!

When should I move my toddler to a bed?

This will depend on the type of bed you choose! Some beds, like a Montessori-style floor bed, can be used for younger toddlers, while other more traditional toddler beds will require your child be able to climb in and out before you make the move. Aside from physical readiness, consider their emotional readiness - some children love sleeping in a cot and you may want to leave them there until they are old enough to understand more and communicate their needs. Also, consider other big changes in their life. For example,toilet training and changing to a new bed can both be challenging transitions, so you may want to stagger them.
Importantly, if your child is climbing out of the cot, this is a sign they are ready for a bed - falls from a cot can be dangerous, so make the transition sooner rather than later.
If you have another baby on the way and want the cot early on for them, you may want to move your older child to a bed sooner than you otherwise would have. If that's the case, try moving your toddler into the bed a few months before the baby arrives - this can help prevent them feeling like the baby has taken the cot from them.

Keeping your toddler safe overnight

Now that your little one can get out of bed and move around all on their own, it’s time to re-assess any potential hazards. Toddler-proof their bedroom by:

Keeping cords from blinds or curtains out of reach.
Being cautious of potential choking hazards a wandering little one may get their hands-on.
Tidying the floor to remove tripping hazards overnight.
Pillows and soft toys can still be a suffocating hazard for children under two, so hold off on the extra bedding until you feel your little one needs it.

How to transition your toddler to a bed

Choosing the right bed

Sometimes a ‘toddler bed’ can be an easy transition from the cot. However, this can be quickly outgrown, so some parents prefer to skip this stage and move straight to a single bed, which is usually fine! You may want to use bed rails to prevent falls.

A mattress and quality bedding can help make your toddler's bed extra comfy - and bonus points if they get the excitement of choosing the pattern!




